如果你有OVZ方案,在登陆搬瓦工官网(https://bwh8.net)后,在My Services下面就可以看到所有的OVZ方案的renewal都变成了off:
OpenVZ VPS Phase Out
Dear Bandwagon Host Customer,
It is time for us to gradually phase out OpenVZ technology from our platform.
As you may know, OpenVZ v6 is going to reach EOL in November 2019. This means there will be no more security updates and no support provided by the developers, and we will not be able to continue operating this technology after this happens.
We want you to have the best experience possible, and we have carefully looked into our options. The only two viable options were: Option 1: Introduce OpenVZ 7; Option 2: Ask customers to migrate to KVM.
We did take a good look at OpenVZ 7. Unfortunately, we found that it will require a significant development effort in order to migrate all clients, and yet it offers no major advantages over OpenVZ 6 *or* KVM. At the same time, since introduction of our KVM plans back in June 2017 the vast majority of our customers naturally migrated from OpenVZ to KVM which only reinforces the strength of KVM platform compared to OpenVZ.
Therefore we are going to discontinue OpenVZ support on our platform and we ask that all remaining OpenVZ customers migrate to KVM. We are disabling all OpenVZ renewals on our platform.
To make this transition smoother for you, we have extended the paid period for all OpenVZ VPS for two weeks, free of charge, for all customers. This will give you two extra weeks of time to make this transition to KVM.
Moving forward, we will be sending out e-mail reminders to all OpenVZ customers.
We thank you for choosing Bandwagon Host and we are continuing to work on bringing the best virtualization technologies to our customers.
Daniel C
Bandwagon Host
- 搬瓦工将停止提供OpenVZ支持,并要求所有剩余的OpenVZ客户迁移到KVM;
- OpenVZ方案不支持续费。
- 所有OPenVZ方案的到期时间将自动延期2周,给大家足够的时间转移数据。
由于搬瓦工的快照功能不支持由OVZ方案直接转到KVM方案,会报错:Failed to import snapshot (752102) Additional information: Error 588616633: Import between KVM and OVZ technology is not possible.
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搬瓦工香港特惠方案(香港CN2 GIA,直连低延迟,大带宽香港VPS) | |||||||
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